About Moshe Yalon MD
Dr. Moshe Yalon is a true professional.
He’s a living legend in the world of Ophthalmology who has successfully treated thousands of patients, invented numerous medical devices & has toured the world teaching best practices in Ophthalmic Surgery.
While Dr. Yalon’s practice is staged with some of the latest tech in Eye Care, his natural abilities to inspect the eye and come to an accurate diagnosis before additional testing is remarkable.
Dr. Yalon was invited to Beijing & Tianjin to help educate the brightest Chinese Doctors on the practice of Phacoemulsification (small incision cataract surgery).
Dr. Yalon was also editor of the authoritative book on Cataract Surgery which has been translated into several languages and has become a best-seller among Ophthalmologists around the world.

Dr. Yalon holds multiple patents for surgical devices currently in use.
He's served as President of the American Technion Society of Florida.
He’s served on the editorial board for the American Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
He’s been a contributing author to multiple professional medical journals.
He’s lectured at the American Academy of Ophthalmology & European Society of Surgeons.
He’s currently the Chief Ophthalmologist for the Memorial Healthcare System in South Florida.
Medical School
Technion Medical School, Israel, M.D. Degree
Board Certified in Ophthalmology, Israel
Internship in Ophthalmology
Tel Aviv University - Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer, Israel
Residency in Ophthalmology
Tel Aviv University - Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer, Israel
Clinical Fellowship​ in Cornea & External Diseases
University of Florida - J Hollis Miller Health Center
Research Fellowship
Biomedical Engineering Center​, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Florida